Sunday 27 May 2007

King Rat

Sha-Dow was tired and paw-sore. The endless days of questing 'neath burning sun, through trackless wastes and steaming, malevolent bogs had taken its toll. His once fluffy grey coat was matted and streaked with dirt. His left ear throbbed from the cruel tear, the wound that the Butterfly witch said would never heal. He had not slept for three days, nor eaten for five but his spirit was undimmed and he held his tail high. He would show no fear. Not now. Not when he was so close. For in front him towered King Rat.

The creature was huge. Its skin crawled with bugs. Some of them it picked off and ate: crunching and slobbering as it did so. Some it flicked to its gibbering court of rat demons who devoured them hungrily, hissing and spitting at each other all the time.

"Hungry Sha-Dow?" King Rat taunted him. It knew what he had undergone.

"No thanks. I ate last week." His answer was brave but even Sha-Dow could hear the quaver in his voice. King Rat's question was meant to remind him of Red but Sha-Dow had vowed then that he would be strong and would continue his mission.

And so he had. And now he was here. Surrounded by enemies with time fast running out.

Sha-Dow had but one chance. One chance to save them all. His long lost mother. His brave sensei. Even the hapless Twolegs.

"I challenge you, King Rat!" He summoned all of his strength; he would show no weakness. "I challenge you in the names of the Duke of Cati, the Five Dragons and the Seven Hills."

Sha-Dow heard the rat demons gasp. They hadn't expected him to know the secret words. Even King Rat seemed momentarily stunned. He knew he had just seconds left to complete his challenge.

"I have defeated the Carpet Muncher! I have found the unfindable Secret Movement beneath the Earth and caught the Uncatchable Red Spirit! My claws are sharp! My eyes are clear and my heart is strong. Face me by the Ford of the sacred river Az or your cowardice will be sung down the ages and even the mice will laugh at you."

Sha-Dow hardly dared breathe as the Rat King howled its anger; the walls of the palace shook and the demons raced for cover from the falling masonry but Sha-Dow did not flee. Instead he made a show of deliberately cleaning his paws as if he had not a care in the world.

"I accept your challenge, Little Sha-Dow." The Rat King spat out the word "little" but Sha-dow ignored the bait.

"I will see you at the hour before sun rise. Make your peace with your gods for you will say 5am just one more time before I send you to the bowels of the cattery. And this time you will not escape!"

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