Tuesday 12 June 2007


Two Vine Weevil, the grand high vizier grinned ominously as Sha-Dow took the cup. “You will not enjoy this but, rest assured, I will,” he cackled.

Sha-Dow held the foaming mug gingerly. He knew that the Vizier was up to something but the butterfly witch had warned him that if didn’t drink that he would not be able to complete his mission. He also knew that he must give Weevil no hint that he suspected the truth. Bravely, he said, “My mother always told me that the best medicine always tastes the worst.”

“Drink your medicine, then, and thank her for her wisdom.” Weevil spat out the last word derisively but Sha-Dow pretended not to notice. Instead he simply said “tails up” and downed it one.

The noxious liquid burned in his mouth. He felt his eyes water and it was all he could do to keep it down. He so badly wanted to be sick but with a tremendous force of will he kept it down.

“Any more where that came from?” Sha-Dow’s bravery cost him dear, coughs wracked his body and he felt himself sinking to his knees.

“What’s the matter little grey princeling?” The Vizier taunted him. “No strength in your legs? Feel like a little sleep?” He giggled like a giddy girl.

Sha-Dow could hardly keep his eyes open and the roaring in his ears all but drowned out the Vizier’s words. He must stay awake long enough. It all depended on him but did he have the strength? He was starting to black-out. The Vizier was saying something but he couldn’t hear! He could almost feel his old Sensei, Oran JeDesh, cuff him impatiently. JeDesh! The Vizier had mentioned JeDesh. Sha-Dow tried to concentrate.

“…your sensei won’t be able to save you now, not while he’s trapped in the well of…”.

Sha-Dow could not hold on any longer. He must remember what little he had heard. The well. JeDesh was down a well.

As the world went dark he tried to bite down on the potion hidden in his cheek. He was so weak, he could hardly move his mouth. He must! He must!

“What’s that little Sha-Dow? Trying to say something? Do you honestly think I didn’t know the Butterfly Witch’s plan?” The Vizier giggled as Sha-Dow breathed one, last time. Then, everything went black.

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