Monday 9 July 2007

Last years toys

Mr Desh, have you noticed that we're not getting to blog so often? Why is that? I like blogging.

Ah, little Ash, it's a sad, sad thing.

But why?

Have you seen the new thing in the kitchen?

Yes. It's not much fun though. It just sits there and bubbles. Not like stix. I like stix. Where's Mr. Woman? I need stix!

Hush, little Ash. Our era is over. Soon they will have forgotten us.

But why?

Well, you see, I hear them talking about "cat fish" and I bet they'll go in that tank. And I bet they prefer cat fish to us. Remember when we were in the rescue pens?

Oooh, I don't like remembering then. It makes me sad.

Well remember when they came around and they liked me but thought you were boring and that they liked Peggy and Felix and mad Ivy and wanted to take them instead of you and I had to keep telling them "You can't take me without Ash. Anywhere I go, Ash goes." Except they called you Silver in those days. Remember?

*sob* yes, you told me about it so many times and I didn't want to believe it because they seemed so nice and I was a teeny bit scared but it must be true because you always tell the truth. Why does nobody love me. Well, except for you and my mother and she's gonnnnnne.

Don't worry little Ash, I'll look after you.

Thing is, one of these "cat fish" is going to be called Molly and I bet they'll play stix with her and give her all the wet food she wants. Us. We'll be on nothing but "notatallbeloved". There'll be no stix for us. No red dot to chase. We'll be abandoned, again, like last years toys.

Oh, don't cry little Ash. No need to worry about being ABANDONED AGAIN! Perhaps you should go and hunt for your mother and stop pestering me for a bit. I'll just lie here and work on my plushness while you go away for SIX HOURS.

Oh, Mr Desh. You're so strong and sensible. You always make me feel better. Can we have a quick game of kill first? Please! Please! See! Pounce on Mr Desh! Bite Mr Desh! Gnaw his ear! Pin to the ground! Chase! Marmalise! Oooh this is fun. fun! FUN!!!!!

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