Uncle Sydney hoots quite often. Usually when he wants tuna or ham. Uncle Sydney always wants tuna or ham. I like living with Uncle Sydney, even though he's always hitting me, because he likes sharing his tuna and ham with me so I get lots more than I ever did before.
I wonder if Uncle Sydney's really an owl cat. Owlcats hoot and are always bad tempered, at least they look bad tempered. I haven't seen Uncle Sydney fly. He did jump a little bit once but he broke the floor when he landed and made all the dogs in the area bark.
Thanks for the comment you tried to leave on my blog yesterday about how you met your man. Unfortunately Blogger was having some problems last night and your comment has disappeared into the ether (although I still received the e-mail informing me about it).
Just wanted you to know that it's not because I deleted your comment or anything!
Best wishes,
I'm bored and so is Brown Bear, with watching OwlCat. So he has the wise. So what.
Blog please!
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