Friday 15 February 2008


Although the cat of little brain is usually needlessly alarmed by the smallest thing - I mean what is it about him and his fear of long skirts? What is all that about? Being scared of long skirts and living with "Mr Woman" is up there with living in Edinburgh and not liking the cold but I digress, something unusual is happening. I had to spend ages today watching two strangers in the backyard through the secret cat flap that only Ash and I know about. Once they had finished making an awful racket there was this strange, new, white door blocking my path to the adventure playground and outside toilet next door. Very strange. Why do the humans want me to climb walls and why do they keep tidying me away. Soon as I get into a good, comfortable heap of legs some other cushion or bed or blanket disappears. Something's going on, all the walls are whiter and strange, tall men insist on patting me on the head.

I have a bad feeling about this. Better stock up on the calories. Change is coming, Ash.

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