I don't know what cat of little brain means. That "Pumpkin" is nothing like me. You won't find me rolling around the floor. I'm a lean, mean hunting machine. I haven't got time for such fripperies. And I'm nowhere near "ginger."
OK. Who's playing silly buggers? I'll have you know that that photo is unfair.
Oh. What's that? Is it? Yes it is. It's a kat tickler. Excuse me, no time left to blog. Must chase. Chase! Chase!!!
There's nothing worse than pedantic humans who insist that "kat tikkler" is spelt with three k's. Bad enough having to type "kat". I will not surrender my principles! Zero tolerance for grammatical mistake's! Thats what I say.
PPS. The apostrophe errors were deliberate.
PPPS. No Ash. I do not have time to explain what an apostrophe is. Just be happy that it's not your mother, it has nothing to do with "stix" and, no you are not "smallish." There is no ish. Happy now?
PPPPS. If the male human considers some sort of catastrophe/apostrophe pun for even a second, I will cuff him.